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Partner Law Firms
We encourage you to contact our partner law firms in Bucharest: Rolegal and E&C, both part of our legal network.April 19, 2018Tax Minimization Structures
BridgeWest is specialized in special corporate structures designed for tax minimization.April 12, 2018Buying a European shelf company with VAT number
Whenever you need to start doing business immediately in a European country and you need a company with a VAT number, you don’t have to wait for the bureaucratic procedures.April 12, 2018BridgeWest® is a European Company Formation Agent and provides a wide range of legal consulting services for international clients who are looking for expanding their business in Europe. Based on our experience of over six years in company registration field, we come with an innovative approach to our clients. We offer in-depth information about procedures and the type of firm they may choose to set up in any European country.
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BridgeWest European Company Formation
We can help you with the offshore company formation process in order for you to set up a low-tax company in Europe or anywhere in the world. We have affiliate offices in almost all European countries as well as traditional tax havens worldwide.
Foreign investors all over the world can choose the proper locations for offshore company set up with the help of our company formation experts, specialized in offshore jurisdictions. Our clients will benefit from the experience of our partner lawyers and accountants all over the world who will assist them in all issues related to setting up a company.
The idea of this website is to provide a tailored solution for your request. For instance, if you are looking to expand to the European market and search for offshore incorporation and the most cost-effective method to do this considering the differences in taxation in EU countries, we will supply you with the best choices. The same goes for any other places around the world where we have offices, from Singapore or Hong-Kong to Seychelles or Belize.
We will analyze your business request and present you a personalized solution. Then our local representatives in the country you have chosen for making investments will handle the entire company formation procedure, including the opening of an offshore bank account.
Foreign investors all over the world can choose the proper locations for offshore company set up with the help of our company formation experts, specialized in offshore jurisdictions. Our clients will benefit from the experience of our partner lawyers and accountants all over the world who will assist them in all issues related to setting up a company.
The idea of this website is to provide a tailored solution for your request. For instance, if you are looking to expand to the European market and search for offshore incorporation and the most cost-effective method to do this considering the differences in taxation in EU countries, we will supply you with the best choices. The same goes for any other places around the world where we have offices, from Singapore or Hong-Kong to Seychelles or Belize.
We will analyze your business request and present you a personalized solution. Then our local representatives in the country you have chosen for making investments will handle the entire company formation procedure, including the opening of an offshore bank account.
1) What are the advantages of offshore company formation?
Obviously, the main advantage of choosing on offshore jurisdiction for setting up a company is the legal minimization of the taxes you will have to pay. The foreign investors can benefit from low taxes or tax exemptions depending on the country chosen for doing business.
The second advantage is the increased range of confidentiality. Non-resident companies don’t have to publish their financial results and the information about directors and shareholders will remain confidential.
The entrepreneurs who choose offshore company setup can have a virtual office as they won’t perform any activity in the country where the offshore company is incorporated. The costs related to the incorporation and maintenance of the company are lower than in other countries and so is the minimum share capital requirement. In some countries, there is no need to deposit a share capital at the incorporation. The offshore destinations offer a business-friendly environment and, with the help of our company formation specialists, you will find out all the details you need for a successful process of starting a business.
2) How is offshore banking treated?
Global banks have different policies when it comes to corporate account creation and some of these may be more stringent in some locations, compared to others. Most of the time, offshore financial centers are also good choices for offshore bank account creation for individual or corporate purposes. Some examples of such countries include the British Virgin Islands, Hong Kong, Seychelles, and others. Opening a corporate bank account for international banking purposes may be more advantageous both in low tax jurisdictions and on offshore financial centers, depending on the particular banking needs of the applicant and the specific banking regulations in a certain jurisdiction.
Our team of agents specialize in the creation of offshore bank accounts and can offer complete packages that include the creation of an offshore company plus an offshore bank account or an offshore bank account without the incorporation of a local company. The last option is subject to certain criteria, depending on the jurisdiction. We can help with bank account creation even when the applicant or client cannot visit the bank in person and we can detail on the banks that have favorable policies for investors who wish to start a cryptocurrency business.
3) Can I open an offshore company in the European Union?
While you cannot open an EU offshore company in the traditional sense of the word (such as 0% corporate tax legislation like Belize or Seychelles) there are available low tax countries that have an important tradition in providing specialized fiduciary services. Two examples would be Cyprus or Malta, both these countries offering attractive taxation systems, international banking as well as nominee services for those investors looking for an added layer of privacy. The Isle of Man is another example of a low-tax jurisdiction. Although not in the EU, it is closely located to the United Kingdom and offers a 10% corporate income tax rate for banks and a zero corporate tax rate for other businesses. The Isle of Man is treated as part of the EU for VAT purposes, customs and excise purposes – this is one reason why it this location is potentially advantageous for investors planning on opening a low-tax company close to major EU markets.
4) What are the best offshore jurisdictions in the world?
It is difficult to name the best offshores since each one provides interesting solutions for a specific business, however the most famous remain BVI, Seychelles or Panama. Besides these traditional ones there also low tax ones such as Singapore, Hong-Kong or Dubai.
When choosing the jurisdiction where they should base their offshore company, foreign investors should look at the specific tax laws and company incorporation laws. While it is true that most of these jurisdictions allow for very low or no taxes, this is not the sole criteria when choosing the location for offshore incorporation. The country’s political and economic stability, the requirements for annual filing and the level of confidentiality for the company’s beneficial owners are all points of interest for many investors.
The level of investor confidentiality is important for many investors interested in offshore company formation. This is one issue for which offshore centers like Belize have created a suitable solution: the names of the beneficial owners are not included in public records.
The next step for investor confidentiality, a measure that is in place in some jurisdictions, including Belize, consists of a solid policy for confidentiality in banking matters. Belize observes these principles and the applicable regulations state that the identity of an account holder can only be divulged if there is a criminal investigation and a court order has been issued in his name.
Tax havens derive their name from their main trait: they offer investors the capacity to do business in a country where there are no or very low taxes on business profits. Moreover, the tax haven allows investors to have access to offshore banking services, thus being able to avoid paying taxes in their country on the income they produce in this type of jurisdiction. The schemes used by investors are directed towards tax minimization and not primarily towards tax evasion, as some of these jurisdictions have stood accused over time.
As a summary, the main reasons why offshore incorporation is preferred by many investors are the following:
- -tax benefits: the tax haven status is a primary reason for opening an offshore; this can also depend on how the offshore business income is treated in the investor’s country of origin.
- asset protection: the legal structures set up in these jurisdictions are often used for asset protection; in general, creditors cannot easily access the asset stored in this manner by investors.
- maintenance simplicity: company registration and management are facile in offshore jurisdictions; having a local agent as well as paying the annual fees are often the only mandatory requirements.
- privacy: as previously stated, investors are not required to disclose their identities and in all cases, a nominee director service can be used.
BridgeWest provides incorporation many of the top offshore jurisdictions around the world. Our agents offer complete incorporation services and also additional packages for offshore structure administration. We can help with adequate investment counseling according to the chosen type of jurisdiction or we can help you decide which offshore location suits your business needs.
Contact us for complete details about offshore company formation policies in selected jurisdictions around the world.