Open company in:

Partner Law Firms
We encourage you to contact our partner law firms in Bucharest: Rolegal and E&C, both part of our legal network.
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Tax Minimization Structures
BridgeWest is specialized in special corporate structures designed for tax minimization.
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Buying a European shelf company with VAT number
Whenever you need to start doing business immediately in a European country and you need a company with a VAT number, you don’t have to wait for the bureaucratic procedures.
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About us Seychelles

Updated on Tuesday 08th May 2018

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Our business consultants in Seychelles offer a wide range of services for foreign investors interested in starting a business on these islands:

- accounting;
- company registration;
- obtaining special permits and licenses;
- virtual office;
- shelf company etc. 

For more details about our services and prices, please contact our team. 


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